What’s the Best Time of Day to Use Delta 8 THC?

Area 52
February 16, 2025 | Blog

This is a question we get asked quite a lot — is it better to use delta 8 THC in the morning or later on in the evening?

The truth is that delta 8 can be used at any point in the day — but there are a few caveats here on what dose is best to use in the morning, noon, or evening.

Let’s dig in.

First Thing in the Morning

Woman Facing the Window and Sunrise Many of our customers use delta 8 THC first thing in the morning — like a “wake and bake.”

Using lower doses in the morning is better if you’re heading to work or university. Students lead stressful lives — they’ve got a lot of stuff to do during the day, so it can be difficult to motivate yourself to get out of bed in the mornings — trust us, we’ve been there. Too much delta 8 might slow you down.

Many people will take a small dose (~10 mg) first thing in the morning before they head out the door. We like mixing our Delta 8 Vanilla tinctures with morning coffee (usually bulletproof coffee), which helps offset some of the negative side effects of caffeine.

All Day Everyday

If you’re using delta 8 THC purely for its impact on perception — there’s really no particular point in the day that works better than others. You can use delta 8 THC whenever you damn well feel like it.

Just one thing to note is that high doses can leave you feeling a bit tired which isn’t exactly conducive to having a productive day. Try and keep the doses at or below the 40 mg mark if you want to avoid this effect.

If you like the idea of an afternoon nap, disregard this advice entirely. 😉

It’s also important to note that because delta 8 THC is psychoactive, it’s wise to avoid using it if there’s any chance you’ll need to drive during the day. Only take your dose if you plan to walk, bike, or take the bus when you have to go somewhere — never drive while under the influence of delta 8 THC.

About an Hour Before Bedtime

If we had to pick one point in the day that was the “best time to use delta 8 THC,” — we’d have to go with the evenings.

An ideal evening sesh usually starts about 2 or 3 hours before your intended bedtime. We’ll use a full dose first (which is between 20 and 40 mg depending on the person, and our D8 THC-infused gummies are perfect for this application), followed by a second half-dose about two hours later.

Some users report having more dreams at night when using delta 8 THC — which we view as a bonus. The dreams don’t tend to be more trippy or vivid than usual — but you’re more likely to remember them the following morning.

When to Avoid Delta 8 THC?

man holding the car's transmission about to driveDelta 8 can be used at any point in the day — in general. However, there are a few conditions that are less suitable for using delta 8 THC.

Let’s cover the main times to avoid using delta 8 THC altogether:

1. If You’re Feeling Tired & Unmotivated

Delta 8 THC is not as well-suited for those who are feeling tired, unmotivated, or lethargic already. You’ll have to stick with caffeine or something else stimulating.

2. If You’re Going to Need to Drive Within the Next 3 Hours

Under no circumstance should you be driving while under the influence of delta 8 THC. Not only is it illegal, but it’s also unsafe for both you and other drivers or pedestrians.

Never use delta 8 THC if you’re going to need to drive anywhere in the next 3 hours at least. Some people find the effects of delta 8 THC last longer, so you should give yourself even more time to allow the effects to wear off completely before you drive.

3. If You’re Using Any Medications

Delta 8 THC is a safe compound, but some medications can cause negative reactions — some of which can be quite dangerous.

There’s a long list of potential medications that can interact with delta 8 THC. So you should always speak with your doctor first if you’re taking any medications or have any underlying medical conditions. Your doctor will be able to cross-reference your medications with THC to determine the level of risk.

A few examples of medications that are likely to interact negatively with delta 8 THC include:

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Blood thinners
  • Heart medications
  • Prescription painkillers
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Diuretics
  • Anti-epileptic medications

Final Thoughts: When Should I Use Delta 8 THC?

You can use delta 8 THC at any point in the day effectively. However, if you’re using it in the morning before work or university, you’ll want to be cautious about the dose to avoid feeling unmotivated too early in the day.

If your goal is to use delta 8 THC for its perceptual experience, there’s really no particular time when it’s best — keep in mind, high doses may make you unable to leave the couch — which for many isn’t a detriment anyway.

If we had to choose one particular time in the day that’s the “best time to use delta 8 THC,” — we’d have to go with the evening, or any time you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything.

May we suggest?



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